Professional Indemnity Insurance

Most professionals carry professional indemnity cover. If you sell professional advice, your knowledge or skills, you may wish to consider taking out professional indemnity insurance.

If, for example, you made a mistake or are found to have been negligent in one or all of the services that you provide for clients, they may bring a claim for compensation against you. Professional Indemnity Insurance protects you against compensation actions by a client. Without this insurance, the financial security of your business could be threatened.

London Stock Exchange

Value Move %
FTSE 100
8502.35 -62.851 -0.734
FTSE 250
20518.05 -2.34 -0.011
FTSE 350
4665.61 -30.25 -0.644
FTSE All Shares
4617.93 -29.59 -0.637
Dow Jones
44424.25 -140.82 -0.316
19954.3 -99.377 -0.496


Value Move %
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

Biggest Movers

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Value Move %

0141 237 8140
Studio 39,
Sir James Clark Building,
Abbeymill Business Centre, Paisley PA1 1TJ.